Welcome :).
This is new to me, and technology proves to be a constant challenge for me to understand and work with. THAT being said:
This is my first blog! I am happy to try to create something that will help me open my thoughts to the ones that I care about. Lord knows I am much better at writing things out than actually conveying my thoughts through conversation ;). So thank you for taking the time to read.
Before I go into my thoughts for the evening, I would ask that you take a second to read this poem: http://www.katsandogz.com/onreason.html <---( click there)
It the basis for the name of my blog, "Rudder and Sails". I won't say anything else about it for now. I'd just like to give you that insight to my reasoning behind it.
Tonight I found some inspiration for a new song. As I was playing "sardines" with the Cru servants, I stepped into a lonely little room in the corner of the church we were in. I was drawn to it mainly because of the lighting: how things almost looked like water because of how dim and soft the spare light made everything seem. Plus, I feel like there will always be something about vacant rooms with character that will fascinate me as long as I live. When I stepped into the room, I just stood there for a while and took everything in. Thought: "This is a moment. This is something seemingly ordinary." But to me, it just kept becoming more and more mysterious. I found myself even getting dramatic about it. I had shifty eyes and a half smirky/grin on my face, and I wiggled my fingers. I shifted my weight, forward and back, as if I was about to sprint somewhere. I turned around and found a clock on the wall. It was broken, but I loved the look of it immediately. I reached up and touched it. I started to move the hands on the clock back and forth, as if to attempt to change time. And that got me thinking: what is it about our lives as human beings that has us enchanted at the idea of taking time into our own hands? Discontent? Hunger for power? A genuine curiosity? Regret?
The image of a human hand reaching to touch the hands of a clock has stayed in my mind all night. This will be the outlet for the next song.
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