Friday, January 21, 2011

The First Week

Unfortunately, this post will have to be fairly short. I'm in the process of cleaning the house up a bit for the lovely ladies who are coming over tonight :). Tonight is Women's night! We're talking about the vital importance of women in the body of Christ, in relation to Amy's talk on beauty. I am sooo excited about this. Too many women don't know their worth. Too many women don't know how stunning they really are. I struggle with it sometimes, myself. But the truth is that we women have beauty unrivaled. Isn't that what we're fighting for, with organizations like The Daughter Project? Steve talked at CRU last night about every type of sin all coming back to some form of stealing. Whether or not we are physically TAKEN from, like those women who are trapped in sexual trafficking, we are all subject to losing sight of our true value because of how readily the world steals it from us in exchange for filling us with a picture of what we "SHOULD" be. We all struggle with feeling incapable. Unreachable. Ugly.

Constantly being amidst a media that demands a certain kind of physical beauty and a world that demands a certain kind of personality for success certainly puts the pressure on, and hikes up the chances of feeling less than capable.

But I write to tell you that you are beautiful. You ARE. Tonight, we celebrate our beauty that SPEAKS. It speaks truth and rest; it speaks love.

For the daughters.

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4 (Thanks to Cass for lending me the skirt!)

Day 5

Day 6 (we snagged Amy at CRU! All these ladies are doing the one dress campaign for a month!)

Day 7

May the Lord bless you and keep you. An encouragement to those who are praying for the women trapped in sexual trafficking and abuse: the Lord knows who you are praying for. Keep praying for the nameless faces. He loves them.

1 comment:

  1. 'keep praying for the nameless faces. He loves them.' Yes. I need that reminder a LOT. Your beauty is inspiring :)
